Activity-in-Diagram: Identify Resources
CreatorTim Ramey
The CDT considers the following resources and costs when planning the ACD events:
* System configuration in a stable environment (hardware and software) on which to perform testing
* Personnel requirements to support testing--tester skills aligned to systems to be tested
* Necessary training for operators and defenders if used during testing
* Licensing for specialized testing tools
* Impact/dependency on existing services
* Network availability and bandwidth (as applicable)
* Tools and equipment for the assessment
* Developing and maintaining a test infrastructure if unique or proprietary test infrastructure is needed for the program
* Using a test infrastructure that belongs to the contractor or other organizations
Owning Diagram A422: Define Process and Test Cases
system architecture
test infrastructure requirements
ACD test objectives and metrics
Cheif Developmental Tester
Cybersecurity DT&E Technical Experts