



This executable Computer Program is being provided subject to the terms and conditions of the included ASSURANT® SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT.

The ASSURANT® Computer Program may contain third party software for which KBSI is required to provide attribution (“Third Party Programs”). Some of the Third Party Programs are available under open source or free software licenses. The ASSURANT® SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT accompanying the ASSURANT® SaaS SOFTWARE does not alter any rights or obligations you may have under those open source, third party or free software licenses. This document or appendix contains proprietary notices for the Third Party Programs and the licenses for the Third Party Programs, where applicable. The following copyright statements and licenses apply to various open source software components (or portions thereof) that are distributed with the Licensed Software. The Licensed Software that includes this file does not necessarily use all the open source software components referred to below and may also only use portions of a given component.

A third party attributions list is located here: ASSURANT® Software Attributions – KBSI

Copyright 2016-2024 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.

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